11  Warehouse Location Problem

The warehouse location problem (WLP) is a classic optimization problem in operations research that aims to find the optimal locations for warehouses in order to minimize transportation costs while meeting the demand for goods from a set of customers. The problem is particularly relevant for businesses that need to distribute their products across a large geographic region.

The problem can be formulated as follows: Given a set of stores \(\mathcal{S} = \{1, \cdots, s\}\) and a set of potential warehouse locations \(\mathcal{W} = \{1, \cdots, w\}\), the objective is to select a subset of warehouse locations and allocate stores to these locations such that the total transportation cost is minimized. The transportation cost typically depends on the distance between each store and the warehouse they are assigned to, as well as the quantity of goods that need to be transported.

In order to simplify our mathematical model, we utilize the following symbols to indicate the input parameters:

We can then define two variables:

The complete model of this problem is given below.

\[\begin{align} \text{min.} &\quad \sum_{w \in \mathcal{W}} \sum_{s \in \mathcal{S}} c_{ws} d_s x_{ws} + \sum_{w \in \mathcal{W}} f_w y_w \label{wlp-obj} \\ \text{s.t.} &\quad \sum_{w \in \mathcal{W}} x_{ws} = 1, \ \forall s \in \mathcal{S} \label{wlp-cons1} \\ &\quad \sum_{s \in \mathcal{S}} d_s x_{ws} \leq N_w y_w, \ \forall w \in \mathcal{W} \label{wlp-cons2} \\ &\quad 0 \leq x_{ws} \leq 1, \ \forall w \in \mathcal{W}, s \in \mathcal{S} \label{wlp-cons3} \\ &\quad y_w \in \{0, 1\}, \ \forall w \in \mathcal{W} \label{wlp-cons4} \end{align}\]

The objective function \(\eqref{wlp-obj}\) is to minimize the total cost of transportation and the fixed cost of opening warehouses. The first term of the objective function sums up the transportation cost of moving goods from each warehouse \(w\) to each store \(s\), multiplied by the proportion of store \(s\)’s demand met by warehouse \(w\), represented by \(x_{ws}\). The second term of the objective function sums up the fixed cost of opening each warehouse \(w\), represented by \(f_w\), multiplied by a binary variable \(y_w\) that takes on a value of 1 if warehouse \(w\) is selected, and 0 otherwise.

The model is subject to four constraints:

To demonstrate the solution process for the Warehouse Location Problem (WLP) using OR-Tools, we will use some sample instances available online from the website https://opthub.uniud.it/problem/facility-location/wlp. Specifically, we will be using an instance file called wlp2, the contents of which are shown below.

Warehouses = 2;
Stores = 5;

Capacity = [65, 47];
FixedCost = [80, 184];
Goods = [4, 15, 17, 6, 6];
SupplyCost = [|57, 71
              |30, 59
              |43, 71
              |37, 72
              |30, 68|];

In this instance file, there are 2 warehouses and 5 stores. The Capacity array specifies the maximum capacity of each warehouse, where the first warehouse has a capacity of 65 and the second has a capacity of 47. The FixedCost array specifies the fixed cost of opening each warehouse, where the first warehouse has a fixed cost of 80 and the second has a fixed cost of 184. The Goods array specifies the demand for each store, where the first store has a demand of 4, the second store has a demand of 15, the third store has a demand of 17, the fourth store has a demand of 6, and the fifth store has a demand of 6. The SupplyCost matrix specifies the transportation cost of moving goods from each warehouse to each store. The entry in row \(i\) and column \(j\) of the matrix represents the transportation cost of moving goods from warehouse \(j\) to store \(i\). For example, the transportation cost of moving goods from the first warehouse to the first store is 57, the transportation cost of moving goods from the second warehouse to the fourth store is 71, etc.

We will create a WlpDataCenter class that will be responsible for reading and storing the necessary information required for solving the problem later on.

import re

class WlpDataCenter:
    def __init__(self):
        self._num_warehouses = None
        self._num_stores = None
        self._capacities = None
        self._fixed_costs = None
        self._demands = None
        self._transport_costs = None
    def read_data(self, data_file):
        with open(data_file) as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        self._num_warehouses = int(re.findall(r'\d+', 
        self._num_stores = int(re.findall(r'\d+', 

        self._capacities = [
                    for num in re.findall(r'\d+', lines[3])
        self._fixed_costs = [
                    for num in re.findall(r'\d+', lines[4])
        self._demands = [
                    for num in re.findall(r'\d+', lines[5])
        self._transport_costs = []
        for line in lines[6:]:
            numbers = [
                    for num in re.findall(r'\d+', line)
    def num_warehouses(self): return self._num_warehouses
    def num_stores(self): return self._num_stores
    def capacities(self): return self._capacities
    def demands(self): return self._demands
    def fixed_costs(self): return self._fixed_costs
    def transport_costs(self): return self._transport_costs

Now we are ready to solve the WLP using OR-Tools!

from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp
from itertools import product
import numpy as np

class WlpSolver:
    def __init__(self, data_center):
        self._data_center: WlpDataCenter = data_center
        self._solver = None
        self._var_x = None
        self._var_y = None
        self._opt_obj = None
        self._opt_x = None
        self._opt_y = None
    def build_model(self):
        self._solver = pywraplp.Solver.CreateSolver('SCIP')

    def optimize(self):
        status = self._solver.Solve()
        if status == pywraplp.Solver.OPTIMAL:
            num_warehouses = self._data_center.num_warehouses
            num_stores = self._data_center.num_stores
            self._opt_obj = self._solver.Objective().Value()
            self._opt_x = np.zeros((num_warehouses,
            for w, s in product(range(num_warehouses),
                self._opt_x[w][s] = \
            self._opt_y = [
                self._var_y[w] for w in range(num_warehouses)
    def _create_variables(self):
        num_warehouses = self._data_center.num_warehouses
        num_stores = self._data_center.num_stores
        self._var_x = np.empty((num_warehouses, num_stores),
        for w, s in product(range(num_warehouses),
            self._var_x[w][s] = \
                self._solver.NumVar(0, 1,
        self._var_y = [
            for w in range(num_warehouses)
    def _create_objective(self):
        num_warehouses = self._data_center.num_warehouses
        num_stores = self._data_center.num_stores
        demands = self._data_center.demands
        transport_costs = self._data_center.transport_costs
        fixed_costs = self._data_center.fixed_costs
        expr1 = [
            transport_costs[s][w] *
            demands[s] *
            for w in range(num_warehouses)
            for s in range(num_stores)
        expr2 = [
            fixed_costs[w] *
            for w in range(num_warehouses)
            self._solver.Sum(expr1) +
    def _create_constraints(self):
        num_warehouses = self._data_center.num_warehouses
        num_stores = self._data_center.num_stores
        for s in range(num_stores):
            expr = [
                for w in range(num_warehouses)
                self._solver.Sum(expr) == 1
        demands = self._data_center.demands
        capacities = self._data_center.capacities
        for w in range(num_warehouses):
            expr = [
                self._var_x[w][s] *
                for s in range(num_stores)
                self._solver.Sum(expr) <= 
                capacities[w] *
    def opt_obj(self): return self._opt_obj
    def opt_x(self): return self._opt_x
    def opt_y(self): return self._opt_y

The program defines a class named WlpSolver which has methods to build the model, optimize it and retrieve the optimized solution.

The WlpSolver class takes an instance of WlpDataCenter as input, which contains the data necessary to solve the problem. The build_model() method creates variables, objectives, and constraints for the problem using the OR-Tools library. The optimize() method solves the problem and saves the optimized objective function value, opt_obj, the matrix opt_x that indicates the optimal assignment of stores to warehouses, and a list opt_y of binary variables that indicate whether or not each warehouse is open.

The _create_variables() method creates two types of variables: a matrix of continuous variables that indicates the proportion of a store’s demands that’s served by a warehouse and a list of binary variables that indicate whether or not each warehouse is open. The _create_objective() method creates the objective function of the problem, which is to minimize the total cost of opening warehouses and serving stores. The _create_constraints() method creates constraints that ensure that every store’s demands are fully fulfilled and a warehouse’s capacity is not violated.

Finally, the opt_obj, opt_x, and opt_y properties allow access to the results of the optimization.

Table 11.1 reports the best solutions found within the time limits of 10 seconds for some testing instances.

Table 11.1: Computational results of WLP instances
Instance No. Warehouses No. Stores Best Solution
wlp1 1 3 1931
wlp2 2 5 1891
wlp3 3 7 4358
wlp4 4 10 4246
wlp5 5 12 3502
wlp6 6 15 4108
wlp7 7 17 4276
wlp8 8 20 4888
wlp9 9 22 7959
wlp10 10 25 8893
wlp12 12 30 4890
wlp15 15 37 14881
wlp20 20 50 9727
wlp30 30 75 11964
wlp50 50 120 15164
wlp100 100 220 20848